CIM’s ‘Leader’ Finally Speaks

It took long enough, didn’t it? Despite the process having been in motion for weeks, Paul Hogle has refused to address the full faculty body regarding the formation of a union and the failure of his leadership that brought faculty to this point. Let’s talk about the letter he sent today.

  • Paul Hogle says he’s “truly sorry” to have pushed faculty to this point. Was he sorry when he ignored the complaints, formal and informal, of faculty about his leadership, behavior, poor financial management, aggressive and condescending demeanor, and lack of respect for the expertise and experience of faculty for years? No. A bully only apologizes when they’re backed into a corner.

  • Paul Hogle says he has his own experience with unions. That’s true! Did you know when he was Executive Vice President of Detroit Symphony Orchestra, he presided over the longest work stoppage in U.S. orchestra history at that point, with multiple sources calling for resignation due to his failure of leadership?

  • Paul Hogle claims he has created a “flexible, compassionate work environment.”

    • Would a compassionate work environment see a turnover of over 120 members of staff in less than a decade?

    • Would a compassionate leader accept a raise of $111,282 (26.3%) between the 2021 and 2022 fiscal years while not handing out cost-of-living or merit raises for multiple years and running a once thriving school into a deficit for the first time in 30 years?

    • Would a compassionate leader refuse to engage with his faculty senate, instead unilaterally handing down edicts?

    • Would a compassionate leader be the subject of a no confidence vote that expressed a 91% disapproval of his leadership?

    • Would a compassionate leader allow one of the most respected trumpet players and pedagogues in the world to resign due to false accusations leveled against his integrity?

    • Would a compassionate leader allow one of the most respected viola players and pedagogues in the world to be fired in the middle of a semester, leaving his students scrambling to complete their recitals and auditions?

  • Paul Hogle says CIM has recovered from its 2014 accreditation crisis. Indeed, CIM has been restored to full status with the Higher Learning Commission. However, with a 2025 HLC visit coming in less than a year, many faculty do not believe CIM will pass its accreditation due to the repeated, egregious violations of norms and rules of conduct and procedure by Paul Hogle, Scott Harrison, Dean Southern, and others.

  • Paul Hogle claims CIM’s annual fund is double what it was in 2015 and endowment is up nearly 60%. That may be true! And yet, CIM is in a significant deficit that led to layoffs in summer 2023 and likely more this year, and employees have not seen even cost-of-living raises. Uncompetitive scholarship offers were cited as the main reason for CIM’s poor enrollment for the 2024-205 academic year. And yet, Paul Hogle recently told the board faculty discord was the reason for this failure, making it easy to blame and then fire faculty who cannot fill their studios. Meanwhile, the board just raised tuiton from $40,000 to $50,000 when Paul Hogle has repeatedly claimed CIM will be tuition-free by 2030.

  • Paul Hogle claims there have been many recent faculty recruiting triumphs. Indeed, there have been many new hires. Someone should ask Paul Hogle how many of these were done following the hiring procedure outlined in the faculty handbook and senate bylaws.

  • Paul Hogle claims members of the Cleveland Orchestra Principals received a pay raise of 16% in the last two years. That’s great! Perhaps Paul Hogle can explain to the rest of the faculty why many have received a 0% raise in the last two years.

Paul Hogle has demonstrated through his words and actions for the past eight years that he is a bully—a cruel, arrogant, dismissive, and thin-skinned president who has no concern or respect for the well-being of the students and faculty under his leadership and no respect for their expertise and experience—faculty experience that far outnumbers his 0 years, 0 months, and 0 days of academic leadership experience before joining CIM.

A bully only apologizes when they can no longer hide from the consequences of their actions. Paul Hogle has been the subject of a no-confidence vote. CIM is in danger of losing its accreditation. The school is the subject of an approximately $200 million lawsuit. Enrollment is failing. Faculty are leaving. And yet, Paul Hogle is paid over $500,000 a year to continue to preside over this disastrous mess of his own creation while faculty continue to suffer in an environment that subjects them to cruelty, no job security, and uncompetitive pay. Do not fall for the pleas of a bully desperate to hold his house of cards together. A union will fight for your rights and protect you in a way no individual can.

You are the value of CIM. CIM is blessed to be staffed by world-class musicians and pedagogues. Paul Hogle is not the value of CIM. Students come to CIM to study with faculty, not the president. It’s time to protect what makes CIM great: its faculty. Vote union.


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